Tragic death of mineworker at Bultfontein

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has learned with shock and disappointment about the tragic death of a mineworker who was crushed by a power shovel at Bultfontein mine on Sunday, 22 January 2012.
Our view about the brutality of capitalism and its total disregard for the lives of the working class people is one again vindicated. Another family has again been robbed of a young, energetic and loving husband and father who was a bread winner at his home
We join our affiliate NUM in a call for a full scale investigation of the circumstances under which Gert Visagie has died. Petra Diamonds must take full responsibility for the death of that worker as it happened while he was in the line of duty mining diamonds for their own accumulation of wealth.
The death of Gert justifies the health and safety campaign that is led by NUM as many workers have lost and are still losing lives in their quest for better lives for their families.
An apology from Petra Diamonds will not be enough but they must take full responsibility for the welfare of Gert’s wife and children until they become self-sufficient. We are of the view that no amount of money can compensate for the life of a human being.We call on the DME to conduct random safety inspections in the mines on a regular basis so as to avoid incidents of risking the lives of the works for profit accumulation. Together with the NUM we send our deepest and sincere condolences to the family and friends of Gert. We are with all of them in this dark hour.
From: Anele Gxoyiya